Monday 30 September 2013


By Antonia Enemuwe


Filmmaking involves a number of discrete stages. The project's producer selects a story, which may come from a book or a play or another film or a true story or an original idea etc. After identifying a theme or underlying message, the producer works with writers to prepare a synopsis. Then, they produce a step outline, which breaks the story down into one-paragraph scenes that concentrate on dramatic structure. The producer and screenwriter prepare a film pitch, or treatment, and present it to potential financiers. If the pitch is successful, the film receives a "green light", meaning someone offers financial backing.


Distributors decide to go for a release on one weekend as opposed to another supposedly because there's a lot of buzz around that time or it is a festive season (e.g. Christmas, New years) and during these periods people are a lot happier to spend their money and go to the cinema to see what's on. 


There are several types of marketing strategies that can successfully promote a film.
1) Endorsements (e.g Kristen Stewart in Twilight)
2) Advertising on Buses
3) The use of Billboards
4) Trailers on Youtube
5) Partnering up with other companies (e.g. Mcdonalds pairing up with Despicable Me 2)
6) Social Networking Fan Pages

Young children enjoy cinema-going. Sometimes they attend with a group of friends. Often they are accompanied by parents or relatives. Films for the younger age groups are important for local cinemas and may attract sell-out audiences for matinée performances, especially at weekends and during school holidays. Local cinemas have to be capable of adapting to whatever is currently in the news and available to them. This requires skill and showmanship on the part of the cinema manager and staff in addition to a well designed building.


There are many ways that audiences can watch films.
1) At the cinema
2) Home entertainment (On DVD, Blueray)
3) Online

Usually feature films open first ‘theatrically’ – (ie in cinemas). A cinema release has long been, andstill remains, the most effective way to bestowstature on a film and create demand to see it.But the cinema is just one link in the value chain.After the big screen run, films are released in flexible timescales in agrowing range of other formats so consumers may choose how, when andwhere to watch. These are the ‘ancillary market'.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Sweded films we're interested in By Antonia, Lukas, Grace and Sarah



We've decided to do scary movie.


This weeks releases reflect the facts on my previous blog which states that Hollywood films take over the film industry.

Out of all the film released this week, 11 out of 12 are Hollywood movies;

One of which includes a re-release of Saturday Night Fever

Another release is a British film called Its a Lot

This weeks releases also includes a 3D film called Warning

Discussion about this week's film releases - LUKAS BLOG 3

This weeks new releases include a film called The Wicker Man. This is a British thriller which was actually created in 1973. However there is a large majority of American films, this shows us that Hollywood's demand in business, for many years Hollywood has been the 'home' of movies. What we discussed in class proves that Hollywood is the place of film making.

'10 Facts about the film industry' By Antonia Enemuwe

1. Bollywood movies accounted for 1.1% of UK Box office.

2. Just 4% of all film viewing is at the cinema.

3. Top 3D releases of 2012 were Marvel Avengers Assemble, The Hobbit, Prometheus and Life of Pi

4. Audience is getting older – the 45+ age bracket represented 36% of total audience over 15 years old.

5. 3D is becoming less popular.

6. 47% of people working in film and video industry are freelance.

7. 70% of total UK film investment went into production, and production makes up 61% of Lottery funding awards.

8. Independent films made up 9% of total box office.

9. 25% of Internet users over 12 years old have downloaded or streamed a feature film online.

10. Half of the top 20 global box office successes of the last 12 years are based on novels by UK writers.


More than half of 15-24 year olds visit the cinema once a month

646 films were released in the UK in 2012, thats over 12 new titles per week

Saturday is the most popular night, 24.1% of box office 

About 40% of a cinema's profit comes from refreshments

Bollywood movies accounted for 1.1% of UK box office in 2012

14% of retail buyers bought a film they had previously seen at the cinema

60% of 16-30 year olds believe film content should be free when accessed online

Cinemagoing is a shared experience with an average of 3 people per party

Think Like a Man, The hunger games then The Avengers were the most tweeted movies in 2012

People spend on average 16mins in the foyer


                                             GRACE,SARAH,ANTONIA &LUKAS